I have my father-in-law and my husband to thank for this project–but I do take credit for the idea of the little cedar trees. We love to take natural materials that we find around our property and use them either practically or for decorating as much as possible. I actually own very few seasonal decor items that can’t be thrown away in the compost pile, haha.
If you live in the country like us, it’s likely you have cedars all over your land and lining your fences. We simply dug up two small trees and potted them in soil in these small galvanized buckets.
My father-in-law had the wonderful and creative idea of collecting these sweet gum seeds and spray painting them gold to resemble Moravian stars. Then my husband tied clear fishing line on them to make them into ornaments for these mini trees.
I think they turned out adorable, rustic, and definitely reflect that simple, farmhouse Christmas style we love so much. They go perfectly well flanking either side of a doorway or on a porch, and so far the wind hasn’t bothered the sweet gum ornaments one bit!
Happy Christmas Eve to you and yours!