10 Months In

Here we are, ten months in, and things are going better than ever. We’ve had our trials and tribulations but have listened, learned, and improved. More than that – we are having fun and innovating!

How, you ask?

For one, even as I type this, Niko is in the kitchen creating new deserts. But he isn’t the only one creating scratch made perfection for our customers. Our entire kitchen staff enjoys the creative atmosphere at The World’s End. If what someone creates is good enough – we put it on special or make it a part of the menu. This involves a lot of taste testing by our staff but also the customers. Ask around, there are quite a number of folks out there who have been given free food just for being a taste-testing Guinea pig.

In addition to the kitchen, we are constantly tasting new brews by Michigan companies and those that are good enough get on the board. With 18 spots on tap we have room for any Michigan company that can provide a tasty beverage.

The innovation also includes the bar. My bar tending staff is amazing. They really enjoy the mixology end of things and come up with innovative, delicious cocktails every single month. Try one of Sammy’s Chocolate Cherry Martinis and you’ll know exactly what I mean!

Anyway, thanks for listening to me ramble on. This place is my life and nothing makes me happier than making you happy. Come see me and lets talk about delicious food, great beer, or anything else that strikes you. I’m here for you!


We’re starting to roll…

Well here we go.

Though I’ve been working on getting The World’s End up and running since May 18th, 2018, Niko and I have really been working on it for years. We’ve been playing with flavors and recipes, tweaking this and that, and perfecting our food since Niko could push a chair up to the stove. It’s these flavors we’d like to share with you.

It’s been an adventure so far. There’s an unbelievable amount of work to do with an endless stream of government forms and licenses required when you want to open a restaurant and bar. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. This is a labor of love. I enjoy making people happy and can’t wait to provide some awesome food for the community. Check out my pics of the food to come. It’s food porn, through and through. – Brian