I CANNOT believe it. All our past efforts to grow pumpkins have always failed but THIS TIME…..
a “volunteer” pumpkin plant started growing out of our compost bin and POOF: We have some awesome looking heirloom pumpkins. I AM SO HAPPY!!!
It figures with our gardening luck the year we don’t try to grow something it magically appears and does wonderfully without any work on our part.
I believe these pumpkins are the “tan cheese” type peachy tan colored pumpkins that are a little more flat on the tops rather than like a round ball.
Yay for beautiful pumpkins that have appeared out of nowhere! I’ve been itching for fall to get here because I don’t know about you but I sure am ready for cooler weather, beautiful leaves, hot apple cider, sweaters, and all things pumpkin
My homegrown pumpkins are just what I needed to get inspired and excited for autumn!

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Wow us Wednesdays
Your pumpkins are so pretty! Volunteers always seem to be the best, don't they?
It's still so hot here in Texas that pumpkins would turn to mush outside. Wishing for fall.
Your pumpkins are so pretty! Volunteers always seem to be the best, don't they?
It's still so hot here in Texas that pumpkins would turn to mush outside. Wishing for fall.
That's amazing! Why are pumpkins so hard to grow? Maybe I should just throw a few seeds out randomly and see what happens next year.
That's amazing! Why are pumpkins so hard to grow? Maybe I should just throw a few seeds out randomly and see what happens next year.