It’s always exciting to me to see the first harbingers of Spring. After months of winter, even though I do love the snow, those early warm sunny days tease and remind me of how wonderful North Carolina Springs are.
Some of the first signs here are the blooming of the daffodils, or as some people down here call them, the “buttercups,” and tops of tulips pushing through the ground. In our yard, the Hellebores are in bloom!
In the vegetable garden, tiny seedlings are sprouting while colder weather lettuces, collards, cabbages, kale, and onions are growing stronger and bigger before harvest.
Last year’s pullets have all begun laying now, and we are getting armfuls of eggs each day! Perhaps later this spring we will let another hen go broody and hatch a clutch of chicks.
Inside the house I’ve stripped winter’s decor and added some lighter Spring touches to enjoy and remind us of the season we are in.
I like for us to reflect the season in our diet too. We will be eating in-season vegetables such as cold-weather greens, asparagus, spinach, and the like. Traditionally we should be eating what we “put up” and preserved last summer (if only I had done more to preserve our harvest). This year I’m determined to be more motivated since I’m not carrying the weight of two babies around anymore. Of course, those babies now keep me extremely busy in other ways!
Because of all the extra time that goes into caring for the twins, we will not be raising turkeys this year 🙁 I’m really trying to simplify and do a good job with my top priorities in homesteading and maintaining a healthy lifestyle before delving into too many new pursuits. I must master the big things first!
Your decor is always so simple, clean looking, and cheerful. Never over done. I love it! Happy spring to you and the girls! (by girls I mean babies but it could mean the hens too;))
Your decor is always so simple, clean looking, and cheerful. Never over done. I love it! Happy spring to you and the girls! (by girls I mean babies but it could mean the hens too;))
Gorgeous, gorgeous shots. Your home is lovely.
I think you are wise to scale back and focus on your priorities this year. No turkeys is sad, but caring for your twins and enjoying every minute possible with them is well worth the trade. I have my fingers crossed for you to put up some preserves, though 🙂
Your hellebores look beautiful. I tried them once and didn't have very good luck with them but perhaps I'll give them another try. It's always exciting to see thing growing in the garden this early in the spring.
Your hellebores look beautiful. I tried them once and didn't have very good luck with them but perhaps I'll give them another try. It's always exciting to see thing growing in the garden this early in the spring.