1. Your family and friends roll their eyes and tune you out because you are telling another chicken story…. again…
2. Whenever you see a child’s playhouse you exclaim, “That would make the cutest chicken coop!” and then start to devise in your mind how you could retrofit it.
3. You purchase certain foods at the grocery store for special “treats” for your flock (aka grapes, blueberries, shredded cheese).
4. You cancel plans or purposefully stay home on weekends so that your flock can happily free range while supervised.
5. You “accidentally” come home with new baby fuzzy butts from the hardware store when all you had stopped in for was some chicken feed.
6. When you look around your house somehow you’ve accumulated a collection of chicken-themed knick-knacks and antiques. This collection seems to grow steadily as friends and family catch on, no matter how much you try to limit the gift-giving.
7. In many of your conversations, even with strangers, you can’t help but brag about your chooks.
8. You see scrap wood laying on the side of the road and ask to pull over so you can save it for coop modifications.
9. You spend hours on www.backyardchickens.com and wonder where the time went.
10. You have pictures of your chickens up at work, on your computer’s screen saver, on your cell phone, on your facebook page, or framed around your house.
(please post a comment to add to this list :))) )