Hello, dear friends.
I want to thank you for still sticking with me here at Restoring the Roost while I take a little more time between posts to recuperate from the accident. A broken leg with full height cast (no weight bearing at all) is awfully hard to get around on to take photos, or do anything really 😉 Let’s just say I’m blessed to have LOTS of help with physical tasks from the hubby and my mom for the next couple of months.
Believe it or not, chickens are wonderful therapy pets. Even when you aren’t interacting directly with them, they are so fascinating just to watch as they scratch around, cluck, discover delicious bugs and get excited, and settle pecking order battles.
I’ve really enjoyed holding and babying my chickens lately since the accident. One of my roosters, Clove, is super sweet and will just sit in your lap and barely make a peep. They especially enjoy sitting when you have a handful of shredded cheese to offer 🙂
Our next big challenge is getting our annual chicken Christmas card photo ready and sent out! You can view the photo we used last year for the card here. Very soon I will be able to share with you this year’s Christmas decor from the Roost!