I’m so excited about my new (old) china cabinet! We found it on Craigslist for a great deal advertised by a local shop. It dates to the mid-century, most likely 1950-1965, and I love the classic lines and symmetry of the piece. It also cleans up nicely painted white with a light distressed finish. We love to entertain friends and host family dinners, so this welcome-addition to our dining room will help meet our need for storage.
Now comes the hard part: planning what to store in it and how to arrange/display it! I have no shortage of dishes and it will certainly be a challenge deciding which of my collections makes the cut. I’m guessing I’m not the only one out there with an antique dish fetish….
Most of my brown transferware is Johnson Brothers “Dover Brown” pattern |
and the list goes on….
I really love the way Trina from A Country Farmhouse has arranged her open shelving in her kitchen. It is simple, relaxed, and beautifully arranged yet functional at the same time. Her blog is lovely and if you get a chance you should check it out!
I’ll admit, the china cabinet was not difficult to fill up. First, I decided to place our china (stored in protective polka-dot plastic bags to keep the dust out) in the two bottom drawers as well as the bottom side cabinets (see image below).
I then put some of our nice table linens and dinner napkins in the rest of the drawer space. I used a cardboard paper towel roll to wrap a table runner around to avoid any creases (see image above).
I tried to use a mix of the brown transferware, glassware, silver, and jadite. I was afraid it might look too busy at first, but I can definitely store more this way and the look is growing on me.